Welcome to LaGlassTee Creations!  If you have a passion for or an interest in stained glass, you are in the right place!  We are a stained glass workshop offering private classes, weekly events and custom designed stained glass pieces. Quite simply, our passion is the wonder and beauty of glass.  Stained glass is timeless.  Combining unique textures and brilliant colors in a piece of art can bring limitless awe and enjoyment for those looking on.  Our vision is, if you have ever had a dream about having a custom stained glass piece, whether as a simple décor or a panel for your window or doorway, we would be honored with the opportunity to help you make that dream come true! 

Our website is an easy way to find out information about us. First, check out the Gallery page to view examples of the quality and types of work we do under the Home Accents and Window Accents tabs. You will also find the "Beginner" level designs we offer in our initial classes. 

Next, we have a Services page.  Whether you would like to take Private Lessons and learn hands on how to create your very own custom piece, come to a fun filled evening on a Group Event night to work on a special project, or work with have a custom designer to help make a Custom Décor.  There are three individual tabs on the Services page to help give you more information on those options. 

As you scroll down there are wonderful Testimonials from clients and students we have had the honor of working with over the years. Lastly, there is an About page to tell you a little about our passion and how LaGlassTee Creations began.  

We are glad you are here!  Please feel free to fill out the Contact Information below with any questions or a message saying "Hello".  We would love to hear from you!